Hi, my name is Daniel Clarke, and I have just arrived from England to begin a five-week internship with the Alliance working on the ‘Talking about Im/migration’ project.
This is only the second time I have visited Chicago, or indeed the United States – having passed through back in July 2005 on a Greyhound bus trip across the country – so I am thrilled to finally have the chance to come back and get to know the city properly. I have certainly already found it a fantastically exciting place to be these first few days and it seems that, with Taste of Chicago, July 4th celebrations and a host of other events, there will definitely be plenty for me to do!
I am originally from Manchester but have been studying at King’s College, Cambridge for the past four years, first for BA in Archaeology and currently for an MPhil in Social Anthropology. My research has focused primarily on civic identity in the aftermath of conflict, looking at the rebuilding of Manchester city centre after an IRA bomb in 1996 for my undergraduate thesis, and currently working on a project investigating public responses to the Madrid train bombing of March 2004. Therefore, not only am I interested to experience a new and exciting city, with its own distinct identity and history, but my current work on Madrid focuses on the different groups which comprise the identity of the city as a whole, particularly in relation to immigration. In addition, having spent time in Mexico through my archaeological fieldwork (excavating at the site of Teotihuacan, near Mexico City), I am particularly looking forward to experiencing the culture of the city's Mexican population.
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